Need To Catch An RDU Airport Shuttle? Tips To Make This Part Of Your Journey Easy

12 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog


The Raleigh-Durham (RDU) airport receives millions of guests every year. This North Carolina hub serves tourists and connecting flights and offers several different kinds of local, public and private transportation to and from the airport and around the city. If you will be visiting this area soon and want to know how you can make the transportation part of your journey easy, here are some tips for catching a shuttle.

Hotels with Their Own Shuttles

There are forty-five hotels listed with RDU airport that provide their own shuttle service. If you are staying with any of these hotels, you can catch their individual shuttles to your hotel. With some of these hotels, you may need to call a day in advance and make sure there will be an available shuttle when you arrive at the airport. If you are arriving after front desk hours or late at night, you may need to take a taxi or private car instead.

Airport Shuttle Service

You may also find that the Raleigh Durham airport shuttle is available. These are shuttles that are owned and operated by the airport itself. They are usually on set routes and schedules, so if you do not make it onto the one that was sitting curbside when you arrived, you may be able to catch the next one as scheduled. As for the routes these schedules take, you may want to contact the airport in advance to see if the shuttle drives close to or past your destination.

Travel Light

Travel light, or as light as you possibly can if you intend to catch a shuttle. Most shuttles have a limited amount of storage space for baggage as you enter the shuttle, and if your bags cannot be stored and boarded on the shuttle, then you may not board either. This protects your bags and belongings from becoming lost, stolen or damaged. If a shuttle stops and has a lot of extra room for extra bags, then take that shuttle instead of one that is crowded.

Traveling in a Wheelchair or Assisted Device

If you are a passenger with limited mobility and rely on a wheelchair to get around, you should definitely call ahead and request information (and maybe even a reservation) on passengers and shuttle rides. Most shuttles can accommodate wheelchairs, but you may not be able to board if the shuttle is already almost filled to capacity with other passengers. Having a reservation for a shuttle ride in advance means that you will have a guaranteed space and window of opportunity for boarding a shuttle.

For more information and options, look up other airport shuttle companies, such as You2RDU.